Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Tante Girang Medan Seksi Menggairahkan

Dilihat dari tatapan matanya, Tante Girang dari Medan ini tampak seksi dan menggairahkan. Bibirnya seakan memberi sinyal tersendiri. Walau gak cantik-cantik amat, tapi tipe tante seperti ini cenderung beringas ketika bermain diatas ranjang, atau mau ML dengan gaya apapun, dari dogstyle maupun sambil berdiri.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Wanted Men of Older Women

According to a survey reported by men site, recent trend of men's relationships with older women increasingly uphill. In the past, most people think that women mature faster than men, therefore, to balance, it is advisable for women seeking older men, who can lead. Then, what is the reason he chose today's older women? Curious? Here are the reasons for choosing the men associated with older women:

More Independent
Older women, usually no problem spending time alone. They have much experience with men, and accustomed to spend the day alone. Hence, no problem for older women when their partner is not always there by his side every time. These women are considered not too dependent or need more attention, therefore, easier to relate to them.

More Assertive
In general, older women have found their identity and find out what they want. These women no longer feel afraid of him, plus more, they do not want to waste time playing with the feelings. Generally, women in their early 20s will tend to "push-pull", or trying to make their partner jealous, while the older women would prefer to be frank their feelings. For men, openness and honesty is very pleasant.

Interesting conversations
Communication is one of the things that are important in a relationship. Older women are more familiar and experienced many things in life, so that more material for discussion. In addition, they also have interesting stories, so it will be a very pleasant conversation partner. Interesting conversations will help the relationship remains fun despite the spark-spark physical enthusiasm has begun to decrease.

Got Money
For men, this is not the most, but quite important. Because, he feels have a partner who can be relied upon and do not necessarily have to always rely on him. Not to mention the man does not have to worry about the woman who at times need the money while she was being short.

Adult friendships
Young women who often tangled problems in the relationship of friendship. Not infrequently, to be a couple of young women, men should get some kind of "approval" from the friends of this woman. While the more mature woman, was able to trust their own decisions, do not have to always seek the views of his friends. Adult women are more confident and independent. They can sort out where the best friend they could listen.

Has Better Taste
Women are more mature have a better taste in spending time with his date. They had passed the period of adolescent rebellion style, and not merely want to be the center of attention as a young girl. Therefore, they would prefer something more quiet and meaningful when it decides an activity or place for a date.

Not the Drama Queen
The young women tend to be emotional, because they feel many firsts. Thus, the hysteria that really feels like a drama experience. First love, breaking up the first boyfriend, betrayed for the first time, and many more. Because of a lack of experience, young women often exaggerate the problem. While the more mature woman who is considered more able to face the problem better, they can calmly face the pressures and problems, and tend to solve their own problems well.

Experience in Related
Adult women know how to deal with the problem and the days full of misery caused by the relationship because they've never experienced it. Adult women have been able to measure and be able to deal with issues surrounding the relationship. Consequently, because of this maturity, older women can maintain a better relationship.

Respecting Time
Because adult women already understand what the important things in life, they are more able to appreciate the time that passed, without the need for excessive indulgence in emotion. Most young women who still considers the relationship or life in general with glasses who is very serious. While the mature woman looking at men from the value of his personality. He already knows what's out there, and he knows how to appreciate the time and not waste what he had for granted.

Whether Normal if Love Older Women?

Whether normal if love older women? Older women generally have more experience, but he will bring a lot of memories and issues from his past. Experience in the past to affect him today which also will result in its way through a relationship with you. For example, if she had been hurt by a boyfriend before, so now she can be a woman who paranoid, suspicious, and jealous. Do not be too hasty in carrying out a serious commitment until you spend enough time with him and learn more about him, including those that occurred in the past.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Why are Women More Quick Looks Old

Not only wrinkled or slack skin that accompanies aging. Cheekbones also experience changes as you age, based on research of University of Rochester Medical Center, USA.

The research was conducted through analysis of computer tomography scan cheekbones with a number of respondents from various age groups. Starting young age (20 to 40 years), medium (41 to 64 years), until the old (65 years and over).

Based on detailed measurements in three-dimensional reconstruction of the scan, there are important differences among the three facial bone structure that age group.

"The framework will change the face morphology, and overall reduction in volume seiiring with age," said Robert B. Shaw Jr., one of the researchers was quoted as saying by the Times of India.

One notable change is an increase volume in the cavity of the eye. In men and women, the eye sockets become wider and longer seiiring age. Aging also affects the center of the facial bones, including the reduction of the eyebrows, nose, and angle of the upper jaw.

The length and height of the lower jaw would be reduced with age. Although changes occur in both sexes, but women experience it earlier, in middle age. In men, most of the changes occurred between middle age and old age.

Justin Bieber Falling in Love with an Old Woman

For those of you young men who enjoyed looking cute Justin Bieber, be prepared heartbreak. Because the young singer on the rise it is not like the woman that age. She likes older women.

In fact, 16-year-old singer added that she would not mind if having love with a woman who was older than him. He actually felt challenged when dating a woman far above him.

"The age of 40 years too old for me. I just want a woman who's funny and has beautiful eyes and smile," Justin said.

Justin that it is becoming the new idol of teenagers (teenagers), admits a crush with a socialite and artist to look sexy, Kim Kardashian. In fact, Kim has berumar age 29 years.

However, he did not question the age of the woman. He said Kim was not too old for him. Kim would expect Justin to establish love with her sister, Kendall is just 14 years old. According to Kim, Kendall would be more suitable for Justin.

Tante Girang Putih Mulus dan Toge

Putih, mulus, toket gede (toge), siapa yang tidak mau dengan tante girang putih mulus dan toge ini? Hmm.. kayaknya ini jenis tante girang idola para pria nih. Bodinya bohai dan badannya bersih. 

Foto Tante Girang Surabaya Hot Seksi

Inilah salah satu foto Tante Girang Surabaya Hot Seksi dan tentu saja bodinya berisi dan menggoda serta menantang untuk diserbu. Hehe... ayo kita serbu!! :p Apalagi tante girang Surabaya ini kelihatan lagi nafsu, sepertinya dia memang maniak seks dan bisa bispak.

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Tante Girang di Lapangan Banteng dan Blok M Jakarta

Berburu Tante Girang di Lapangan Banteng dan Blok M Jakarta  - Wajah Lapangan Banteng memang kini banyak mengalami perubahan. Pada dekade 1970-an wilayah di sekitar patung pembebasan Irian Barat ini dikenal sebagai terminal bus yang ramai. Sejumlah kios kaki lima banyak berdiri di sana. Suasana terminal Banteng yang didirikan semana Gubernur DKI Jakarta Ali Sadikin saat itu mirip dengan terminal Blok M.

Namun seiring perkembangan kota Jakarta, terminal yang letaknya berada di jantung ibukota dan berdekatan dengan Istana Merdeka itu akhirnya ditutup pada 1985. Penutupan ini untuk mengatasi kesemrawutan di kawasan itu, baik dari kemacetan maupun tindak kriminal.

Meski terminal bus sudah ditutup namun sejumlah kios dan pedagang kaki lima masih tetap berdiri. Lokasi itu masih tetap ramai dikunjungi muda-mudi tempo dulu yang mejeng. Tidak ketinggalan anak-anak jalanan juga banyak yang mangkal di wilayah itu.

"Dulu di Lapangan Banteng sangat ramai dan jadi ajang mencari jodoh anak-anak muda," kenang Yunus pedagang rokok asal Kuningan, Jawa Barat, yang pernah berdagang di Lapangan Banteng sejak awal 1980 sampai 1997.

Banyaknya anak muda yang nongkrong di daerah itu tentu menyedot perhatian warga lainnya. Banyak tante girang dan om-om senang yang mencari anak-anak muda di sana untuk diajak berkencan. Fenomena ini berlangsung hingga akhir tahun 1980-an. Sebab setelah masa itu yang tersisa hanya kalangan pria muda yang banyak nongkrong di sana. Sementara gadis-gadis muda lebih memilih tongkrongan di daerah lain, seperti Blok M misalnya.
Praktis, sejak awal 1990-an lokasi itu hanya tersisa tongkrongan pria-pria muda. Ada yang hanya sekadar nongkrong bersama teman-teman, ada juga yang memang mencari tante girang yang melintas di daerah tersebut. Selain tante girang kalangan homoseksual juga banyak yang berdatangan. Belakangan justru kaum homoseksual inilah yang lebih banyak datang mencari pasangan kencan.

Di kawasan ini pula Baekuni alis Babe pelaku pembunuhan dan sodomi belasan anak-anak jalanan itu sempat nongkrong. Menurut keterangannya di hadapan penyidik, Babe pernah menjadi tukang ojek di Lapangan Banteng tahun 1993. Di tempat itu juga Babe berkenalan dengan Robot Gedek, juga pelaku pembunuhan dan Sodomi, yang kini sudah meninggal dunia saat dipenjara di Nusakambangan.

Memang lapangan Banteng sejak awal 1990-an dikenal sebagai tongkrongan kalangan homoseksual. Para gigolo yang sebelumnya melayani tante-tante girang pun kini beralih sasaran. Mereka pun akhirnya melayani pria homoseksual lantaran para tante girang sudah tidak lagi muncul di daerah tersebut.

Predikat tersebut hingga sekarang masih bertahan sekalipun kondisi Lapangan Banteng sudah banyak berubah. Lapangan yang sekarang menjadi pusat pameran holtikultura tersebut sampai saat ini masih bercokol pria-pria muda yang siap menjadi teman kencan semalam kalangan homoseksual. Mereka masih setia berdiri di pinggiran jalan menanti pria dewasa yang mengajaknya berkencan.

Foto Tante Girang Jakarta Seksi

Inilah foto-foto tante girang dari Jakarta yang seksi, hot dan pastinya menggairahkan. Kalau bisa bermain bersamanya.. beuhhh... uenakkk pasti rasanya. Apalagi Toge alias Toket Gede, tante jenis seperti ini tentunya jadi tante favorit yang wajib diburu para pecinta tante girang. :)

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

No HP Tante Girang

Ada yang mau No HP Tante Girang? Atau ada yang mau berbagi no telepon tante girang? Dari berbagai daerah, dari kota kecil hingga kota besar? Tukar menukar no handphone atau no telepon tante girang ternyata susah juga. Banyak yang menyebar no hp tante girang, tapi faktanya nomernya pada gak aktif alias tipuan. Kesimpulannya mendapatkan no hp tante girang tidak semudah mencari upil :p

Tapi, tante girang itu sendiri sebenarnya ada dan fenomenya tidak bisa dipungkiri banyak di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Jadi, bukan tidak mungkin jika suatu saat no tante girang bisa anda dapatkan, seiring dengan perjuangan mencari no hp tante girang yang pantang menyerah.

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